MON - FRI: 9.00AM - 5.30PM

IHT & Estate Planning
The Financial Options Group’s comprehensive suite of advisory services has been created to meet the diverse financial and legal needs of individuals and businesses.

Minimise sources of conflict and protect important relationships
As part of our comprehensive approach to financial advice, we provide legal support by way of referral to a panel of selected solicitors. This allows our clients to rely on us for advice on virtually any financial concern or life event, and to feel at ease that we will have the advisory services and expertise to help see them through.
Connecting you with trusted legal advisers is just the beginning. We will work with you to ensure your planning around your legacy, family business and other affairs works in complement to your wealth, property ownership and/or investment planning. We take a comprehensive approach, because amid life’s twists and turns, it’s good to know support is there whenever you need it.
Support for individuals:
Wills, Trusts & Legacy Planning
Lasting Power of Attorney
Divorce & Dissolution
Property Matters
Support for businesses:
Shareholder Agreements
Cross Option Agreements
Business Continuity
Expert advice and legacy planning tools built around your specific needs and wishes
We all want our assets to be well-protected throughout our lifetimes – for both day-to-day peace of mind and so that we may pass on the best possible inheritance to the next generation when the time comes. However, modern families are becoming ever more complex, and a Will alone might not be sufficient to adequately carry out your wishes. That’s where legacy planning comes in.
The Financial Options Group will help you put planning in place which will provide your loved ones the maximum benefit possible from the assets you have built. Together with our providers, we deliver comprehensive legacy planning options, such as Wills and Family Trusts; these are tailored to your individual circumstances to ensure that your wishes are fulfilled.
Please note: The Financial Conduct Authority do not regulate legal services, will writing, lasting powers of attorney, estate planning and trusts. Will writing and legal services are not part of the Quilter Financial Planning offering
and are offered in our own right. Quilter Financial Planning accept no responsibility for this aspect of our business.
Avoid delays and stress. Let us do the legwork for you
When you’re ready to move into your new home, avoid delays and stress by letting the Financial Options Group do the legwork for you. We'll connect you with a panel of conveyancing specialists and liaise with your specialist throughout the process to ensure your home move is as quick, straightforward and hassle-free as possible.
Please note: Conveyancing is not part of the Quilter Financial Planning offering and is offered in our own right. Quilter Financial Planning accept no responsibility for this aspect of our business.

Divorce & Dissolution of Civil Partnerships
You’ve come to a tough decision, and now you need to make a fresh start. We can provide you with guidance and legal assistance, helping you to begin your next chapter. Throughout your divorce or dissolution of civil partnership, we will ensure that you are provided with representation and jargon-free legal advice built around your individual needs. We take a pragmatic approach, focused on minimising stress and achieving the best possible outcome.
We will help you to address difficult questions such as:
What will happen to the house?
Where will the children live?
What will happen to my pension?
Will I have to pay maintenance? Will I receive maintenance?
What about the assets I brought into the relationship?
What will happen to my inheritance?
Comprehensive financial and legal advice services for businesses
We ensure your business runs fluidly through our business protection offering. Our team of experienced advisers also provide specialist corporate financial advice, helping you to maximise your tax efficiencies, purchase commercial property, set up a corporate benefit scheme and more. Tax treatment varies according to individual circumstances and is subject to change.

Shareholder agreement

Loss of a key person

Cross-option agreements

Shareholder protection

Succession planning

Business Lasting Power of Attorney
Who would you trust to look after your affairs if you suffered a loss of capacity?
Without Lasting Powers of Attorney in place, decisions about your finances and healthcare become considerably more complicated. Without LPAs in place, those closest to you do not have the right to make decisions about your medical treatment and welfare, including whether or not you need long-term residential care and where that should be. Lasting Powers of Attorney are made whilst you have full capacity and serve to designate the individual you wish to look after you and your affairs should you suffer a loss of capacity.
Through a Property & Affairs LPA, someone you trust will be able to take over your financial affairs without cost or delay. A Health & Welfare LPA allows an individual to make decisions about your medical treatment and general welfare.
Please note: The Financial Conduct Authority do not regulate Lasting Powers of Attorney. Lasting Powers of Attorney are not part of the Quilter Financial Planning offering and are offered in our own right. Quilter Financial Planning accept no responsibility for this aspect of our business.